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Showing posts with label free website traffic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free website traffic. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Get Free Traffic To My Website.

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Sunday, 24 July 2016

My Best Website Traffic Strategies.

My Best Website Traffic Strategies

Let me kick start the discussion with 3 of my best website traffic strategies.
1) Advertising
Think about this question: If you are totally new to a market, with no network, no JV partners, no customer and no leads, how are you going to establish a presence in the market?
Well, one way is to actively promote your website through social medias such as facebook and forums. But that takes a lot of time and effort. A faster alternative is advertising.
There are 2 types of people when it comes to advertising:
- The first type are those who advertise with the aim to make some sales and hence recover the advertising cost with a good profit.
- The second type are those who advertise with the aim to build a network. Immediate recovery of the advertising cost is secondary because the network they have built will eventually pay back the advertising costs and much more.
It’s hard to say which type of advertisers is better. But personally, I belong to the second type. How about you?
2) Search Engine Traffic
The good thing about search engine traffic is that it is free and pretty sustainable. The challenge is it costs time, money and know-how to build that traffic.
The SEO game is a long-term game (at least 6 – 12 months). Most people fail because they are looking for short-term results. As I’ve discussed in my previous posts, with the launch of Google Caffeine, the emphasis is now on site authority, and one of the major factors that determine site authority is the age of the website.
If you do not have the patience to build links and wait, then what you can do is to leverage on authority sites that allow you to post articles, such as Squidoo and Ezinearticles. These sites have established their authority status and if you post an article to it, with some link building effort, you can easily get it rank well in Google. Then, you can try to channel the traffic back to your own website. The ‘route’ is a little longer, but it’s not a bad move since the traffic is free and tend to be long-term.
3) Word Of Mouth
The best form of traffic is probably word-of-mouth traffic. It’s the best because it is free, and the best part is you don’t have to worry whether Google likes you tomorrow!
Word-of-mouth is the true power of social networking. Instead of you tactfully and subtly promoting your website in facebook, twitter, forums, etc., you now have other people recommending your website through all kinds of channels.
You can speed up the word-of-mouth process with a good referral program. This is something I have been emphasizing, but many marketers are still not having their own referral program, especially affiliate marketers.
Most affiliate marketers limit their traffic sources to advertising, search engine and self-promotion in social medias. Can affiliates who promote other people’s products run their own affiliate programs? The answer is definitely YES. In fact that should be the way.
You can always create a product that caters to the market you are promoting, and recruit your own affiliates to promote that product while on the other hand, you promote other people’s products to the traffic that you receive.
There you have it, my best website traffic strategies. I have been using these 3 strategies since 2006 to build a pretty stable online empire. How about you? Share with us your best traffic strategies. Even if it’s a repeat of the three I’ve discussed, it’s still good to list it down and tell your own experience. I thank you for your contribution in advance.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

10 New ways to get traffic to your website or blogs.

Do you know that you can drive over 50,000 web visitors to your website or blogs in less than 24hrs and get noticed? Are you skeptical about this? Well, I am one of the doubting thomas too, until I try this new techniques.
1.Google+ Comment : Enable Google+ comment on your website or blog to get more traffic. You ask how?.
   a. Sign up to
   b. Click on the Google+ tab in your blog's dashboard.
   c. Upgrade to Google+ if you have not do so.
   d. Enable Google+ comments. Comments already made in your posts will keep coming in the new
2.Sponsored Post: Enable sponsored post in your blogs or website. Sponsored post placed on websites which is explicitly sponsored as an advertisement by a particular company would draw a large amount of popularity to your website through user promotion and moderation.
Examples of places you can contact for sponsored posts include but not limited to the following:,, and
3.Smart Pay Per Click Advertising : It is a cheap and effective way to get you infront of people. To get results which is traffic to your website or blog, your PPC advertising techniques must be able to answer the following questions.
 a. Which keywords are getting the most traffic.
 b. What are the top bid prices for those keywords.
 c. Which keywords are being ignored and why?
Your answers to this above questions leads you to a more and purposeful PPC advertising results. Get answers to the above by visiting
4.Twitter Techniques: If you use twitter well, it can drives tons of traffic to your website or blogs. Take the advantage of over 500million users who visits
Cross promote your blog on this network. Research have shown that simply tweeting the title of your blog post with a link back to your site is not given a desired results. cross promote your blog or website on Make short tweets, it works best . Use the service of to spread your message. Use Hash tag. It turn topics and phrases into clickable links in your posts on your personal timeline or page.
Another  way you can get free traffic from  is for you to use visually appealing images. People love this , hence they re-tweet your tweets.
5.Get warm traffic by sign up with Here, you will have the opportunities of driving traffic to 3 of your websites just by liking websites, or subscribe to and other tasks of gaining tokens.
6.Built a loyal following fom IM- friendly social websites like,, and
7.Leave comments on relevant high traffic blogs and forums. Link back to your website or blog.
8.Use keywords in all your online profiles. When you create your profile, carefully use keywords and phrases you are targeting.
9.Write keyword targeted article and submit to popular article directory sites. Post according to your niche. Submit to, and
10.Submit and ping your blog with popular pinging websites/sites. You also enjoy free traffic from search engines doing so.
Sites like,,,,,,,,,,,, and
Try the above traffic system today free and trial will convince you.


Thursday, 26 June 2014

Free Traffic System : How Backlinks Can Be Additional Source Of Traffic To Your Websites .

                                               TO YOUR WEBSITE.
 Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page .They are also regarded as a inbound links , in links  ,and inward links .Backlinks displays other webpages that link to your post . Backlinks is not just about linking to your website it as well  serves as additional source of traffic to your websites . The number of backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of the websites . Before going into details about how to create backlinks to your website I wants to explain how backlinks really works .
      As an example assuming Sunday , a blogger writes a blog entry that Adebiyi finds interesting .Adebiyi then goes to the his own blog and writes a post of his own about it , linking back to Sunday's original post .Now sunday post will aurthormatically show that Adebiyi has linked to it , and it will provide a short snippet of his text and a link to his post . What it all works out to is a way of expanding the comment feature such that related discussions on other sites can be included  along  with the regular comments on a post .
There a lot of step/ ways you can use to  create backlinks to your website . Popular among them are :
1.Submit articles on your subject of Expertise: You can submit articles to variety of websites including e-zine and squiddo ,Remember at the bottom of your article add a resource box that describes you and link back to your sites.
2. Submit your sites to website feedback sites. and are two great examples .
3. Submit your sites to blog aggregators. and are two great examples as well.
4.Engage the Scoop : It is a good way of building backlinks .Scoop is basically a site where people aggregates their favorite content around the web .
5 .Give Testimonials or comments : Give relevant comments on best and top rated blogs. Do not forget to link back to your sites
6.Find opportunities to guest blog about your area of specialization or your business . As example , find guest posting gigs on Twitter . To do this go to Twitter search to find sites that are posting guest post .
You may as well upload videos related to your product to YouTube and link back to your sites .Try this methods , you will be surprised as to how traffic to your website are increased .

Sunday, 22 June 2014

How to optimize your LinkedIn profile and drive traffic to your site and obtain a high ranking on Google page.

       People are using LinkedIn to search for products and services offered by small businesses. Thus , optimizing your LinkedIn profile can get you listed  on page
one of Google . apart from this other benefits of optimizing your profile is that you are building credibility .
Here are simple ways I used to optimize my LinkedIn profile and drive tons of traffic to it .
Profile photo : To build credibility for your profile , start from your profile photo . It must be clear ,professional headshot and should convey who you are . A profile photo not only puts a face to a random name but also fosters trust , as it is easier to trust a person you can see .
Headline : Be smart and creative when creating your headline .Since  it is the first point of contact a viewer gets with your profile . Be smart to put keywords in your headline .
Profile summary : Here is where you expatiate on what your headline reads , ensuring that you put yourself in the best possible light .
Customized Url : A customized url looks like . One great reason to claim your vanity url is that it is easier to add the link to your email signatures , business cards or send it to someone for viewing . To claim yours ,click on your name in the upper right corner of your LinkedIn home page and click on Privacy and settings .On the page ,click on Edit your profile  page located at the bottom right . Click on customize your profile url .fill  in your custom url  without spaces or symbols (usually your name  or company name ) . Finally click on set custom Url.
Recommendations and Endorsements : This are more like testimonials you can get from your colleaque or business partners .You can request a recommendation from a business partners  or colleaque .When others approve the skills you listed in the skill section it is called endorsements . Approve other friends skills as well and they would do same to you .
  recommendations and endorsements help others trust you more as they are the third party approvals . Connect with people in your niche .

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Free Traffic Techniques : How to use a new system to increase Website traffic ,Pagerank ,SEO ,Alexa ranking and get back links to your Websites and Blogs.

Free Traffic Techniques : How to use a new system to increase Website traffic ,PageRank ,SEO ,Alexa ranking and get back links to your Websites and Blogs .
       If you have been thinking of how to drive free target traffic to your sites to optimize sales or increase activities on your business , then you need to read this.I have uncovered a site that simply do all this and without mincing words I have been getting positive results since I have been using them . Ordinarily , the site is social exchange site and a free SEO tool. It will expand your social median influence clout in no time. Link Collider will help you advertise your websites, increase website traffic ,page rank ,SEO , Alexa ranking and backlinks free.
You also get social signals and up to 12,150 real human targeted traffic to any link / sites. With this sites you will be able to promote your link to over 67,000 active targeted Facebook fans linkedIn group members and so on .
 How did I get this advantages?
The number of tokens you have determined the rate of traffic you get to your sites .The more the token the more the exposures to your sites . You get tokens to promote your sites through many ways . If you log on to the site daily you got free 250 tokens . You also got maximum tokens by tweeting ,Facebook sharing ,liking websites ,following twitter page , following pinterest page , subscribing to Youtube , posting on Tumbler , stumble upon and surfing .
     Another important benefits of using this sites is that you can post a Facebook page to get likes , also twitter page to get followers ,Pinterest page to get followers and Youtube page to get subscribers.
I have been using it with maximum and proven success . Give a trial today .Please , go here to learn more.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Traffic System:How to use blog farming to drive free traffic to your websites,blogs and online forums.

        Traffic System:How to use blog farming to drive free traffic to your websites,blogs and online forums.
   The results you got from driving free traffic to your websites or blogs depends largely on the traffic system,traffic techniques and traffic methods you used.The more traffic you send to your websites the more sales you got.
           Product + Traffic = Sales
  One of the best techniques that I have been using with proven results is called Blog Farming.Blog farming works best with social websites like, and is a system whereby you use multiple paid or free blogs to promote your services or products.some free traffic generating guru termed or caled it Cross Marketing while some called it Cross Promotion.
For example,I used to promote is because they are Niche-related.Same goes for and time I finish posting on my blog,I made sure one of my blogs is placed conspicuously beneath the last post before I clicked on updated.At times however,I placed all my other blogs beneath any one of my blogs.See
   I used the services of share buttons like,,, and the likes to promote to social websites.With this techniques I found out that the number of visitors to my blogs keep increasing everyday, so also the sales I made.Give it a trial today and you will found out how easy it is to get free traffic that translates to sales using this techniques.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Free Traffic Techniques:How To Use LinkedIn Social Website To Drive Traffic To Your Sites.

FREE TRAFFIC TECHNIQUES:HOW TO USE LINKEDIN SOCIAL WEBSITE TO DRIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR SITES. LinkedIn social website ranked second among the social websites of repute today.There is no gainsaying that it follows after Facebook.In terms of generating traffic to websites,it also ranked second.I have been using this sites and its effectiveness in driving traffic to my websites and blogs tremendous. HOW? One of the techniques I used is found in the power of LinkedIn groups.One of the key features on LinkedIn are groups. There are over 1.5 million groups on LinkedIn, and 81% of LinkedIn users belong to at least one of them. You’re sure to find your niche networks with whom you can share your blog articles. To find groups on LinkedIn, click on your “Interests” tab, and then “Groups” in the drop down menu. Search for topics. LinkedIn will also offer you suggested groups based on your current activities, profiles and so on. When you find groups you’re interested in, check them out first. Assess whether they will be a good fit for your business. Check out the guidelines. Check out the number of members, and activity within the groups. If it is an open group, you can check out the types of posts and if it fits with your target market. Join groups that have genuine engagement.You can also created your own group.It is easy. To maximize my traffic potentials,I also engage my networks not only on discussion,but post valuable contents on my sites and inform my networks.Just like on any social network - and, well in person too - the more engaging you are, the more of a relationship you can build with your connections. When you post article links, include a question, a statistic, or a personal view. Give people a reason to comment, like or share your article. When someone comments on your update, be sure to acknowledge it. Comment back to keep the conversation going, and build your networking relationships. LinkedIn gives you tools to make a poll, too. Use this function to engage your connections, and your group members. Make a poll to generate interest in one of your articles, for example, by asking a trivia question that is answered in your blog post. Engage in your groups, too. The more engagement you have in a group, the more likely you’ll become a top influencer. When you’re a top group influencer, more people will read your posts.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

How To Use Targeted Ads To Get More Visitors To Your Website.

How To Use Targeted Ads To Get More Visitors To Your Website. With targeted ads,you get the following edge over your competitors in the Market. 1.Increase your Click through rate on your Ads 2.Get more visitors to your website. 3.Presell your visitor better before they get to your website just by viewing your targeted ad. 4.Pay less per visitor because of the increased click through rate. 5.Increase your Adwords ranking. See Example Below: Home Theater System Entertain Your Friends&Family With Your Brand New Theater System! You will notice that the Headline ad contains the main keyword..Home Theater System which Google will Bold for you.It is a proven fact that you will increase yiour clickthrough rate by including your main keywords somewhere in the ad..usually the headline is the best place. If you stuck to this ,you will find out that your Clickthrough rates will be risen. BEST WEB HOSTING 2013

Thursday, 14 February 2013

How to use guest posting to drive free traffic to your blogs.

How to use guest posting to drive free traffic to your blogs. Guest posting has become an ideal way for bloggers and online entrepreneurs to grow their blog and website. When you guest post on another blog you are creating multiple benefits for you as an author and for your blog. It gives you the ability to gain reputation as an author, gain traffic to your blog, and build links to your website. The process of guest posting involves the following steps communicating with another blogger creating high quality unique content for another blog gaining a link back to your website So basically you are creating high-quality unique content for another website in return for exposure and a link to your website. Guest posting is extremely valuable for that reason as you're killing two birds with one stone. MAKE MONEY WITH FACEBOOK LIKES

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Free traffic to websites.

Free traffic to websites. Follow this tips and started receiving free targeted traffic to your website. 1.Write a good content with a good subject title with words like,new,now,finally,announcing,and latest.It gives sense of newsworthiness to your readers. 2.Use viral marketing:Give something out free. 3.Give out freebies as business promotion. 4.Use buddy marketing techniques. 5.Get a mailing list and link back to your site. 6.Subscribe to free link exchange. 7.Advertise/post to forums regularly. 8.Use keywords in all your online profiles. 9.leave comments on relevant high traffic blogs and forums. 10.Advertise through your website and other people website.

Friday, 19 October 2012


Free website submission as a tools to generate traffic to websites and blogs. The new easy way to generate free traffic to your sites,blogs,e-store,forums and your activities online is to submit your sites free to this websites.This websites have good Google and Alexa rankings.Sign up is free.Check it all. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HOW TO EARN EXTRA $500 MONTHLY AS INCOME FROM GOOGLE ADS HOW TO SHOP FREE ONLINE FREE ONLINE OPPORTUNITIES Free traffic techniques and free traffic system . Promote My Blog For Free SEO Consultant Phoenix

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Free traffic generation:20 free ways to notify search engines about your post,products and services online and drive free targeted traffic to your sites.

Free traffic generation:20 free ways to notify search engines about your post,services and your products online and drive free targeted traffic to your sites. By notifying search engines,your chance of making money online is boosted because your product or services is exposed to more prospective buyers.Ping your blogs or websites and drive traffic to your sites. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Pingates

Sunday, 23 September 2012


HOW TO DRIVE FREE TRAFFIC TO YOUR WEBSITE,BLOGS,FORUMS AND ONLINE STORE USING A PERFECT TRAFFIC SYSTEM Dear friend, If you can use more website visitors and online advertising, you'll want to read this message... Perfect Traffic Storm is a new site that will boost your web traffic and get your promotions in front of more visitors, guaranteed. How does it work? Simple. You make 1 small change in what you're doing (takes about 30 seconds) and that's it! You will see MORE web traffic and MORE ad views automatically. And the best part is that the traffic you get CONVERTS! Too many so-called traffic tools focus on hits or visitors, but that's useless UNLESS you get new signups and sales. And that's where Perfect Traffic Storm shines...they show PROOF of the amazing conversion rates and you'll need to see it to believe it! Now if it sounds too good to be true, let me assure you: - You do NOT have to trade time or manual effort for traffic - You do NOT have to install anything on your computer - You do NOT have to paste tedious HTML code on your webpages - You do NOT need to know anything about programming - You do NOT have to agree to getting slammed with ads yourself - You WILL increase your traffic and advertising, guaranteed - It WILL work for you regardless of what niche you�re in - It IS 100% legal, 100% ethical, and 100% �above board� - You WILL be reaching REAL prospects who want to buy your offers - The traffic and advertising you gain will INCREASE the longer you use it As you can see, this tool is REAL and it just plain works! Check it out: To your success, Sunday. P.S. - The list building benefit is most powerful the earlier you get in, so don't delay!
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Saturday, 22 September 2012


HOW TO GET FREE TRAFFIC FROM GOOGLE. dear friend, If you have been thinking on how to drive free traffic to your sites/blogs or looking for ways to optimize traffic to your sites then you in a right place at a right time. With Google ping, you will get target visitor every day from Google to your website,blogs or forums.Are you asking of how?yes,just go to,ping your blog or sites and started generate free traffic to your sites.

Saturday, 1 September 2012


FREE TRAFFIC INFORMATION Free traffic information are information that explains how you can start driving free traffic to your sites with free traffic systems and free traffic techniques online.One of the easiest ways to quickly drive free traffic to sites is through free traffic exchange websites.Just copy and paste the links giving to you when you sign up free with them to your website,blogs or fums postings. Best traffic exchange websites that ranked high in rankings are and You can also drive free traffic to your websites is to list your site with well established directories.Yahoo directories(not yahoo main search engines) is the best options here. Have you tried the power of social and bookmaking websites?yes social sites with good http://www.Alexa .com rankings are the best.This include,,,http://www.moreshare.comand FREE INTERNET RESOURCES. 1.EARN 60% AS PROFIT MONTHLY ON YOUR INVESTMENT ONLINE. 2.HOW TO HAVE FUN AND TURN YOUR AFFILIATE SIGN UP TO CASH. 3.HOW TO EARN EXTRA $500 FROM YOUR GOOGLE ADS ONLINE. 4.HOW TO EARN $20-$30 PER HOUR JUST BY READING BOOKS AT YOUR LEISURE TIME. 5.HOW TO EARN $1,000 A WEEK AS HOME INSPECTORS.FREE ONLINE TOOLS PROVIDED. 6.HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM EBAY. 7.HOW TO MAKE $650 AS PROFITS FROM LOGO DESIGN.HOW PENNY STOCKS CAN TURN YOU A MILLIONAIRE IN THE STOCK MARKET. CLICK HERE Donate